AAA Titles: The Sad Truth
Video games, they never seem to let go of a students attention. (At least the ones i talk to)
I myself would consider myself an "avid gamer". I play about 3-4 hours per day and sadly, I'm begining to notice something. Video Games arent what they used to be. They used to be all access, playable, challenging and entertaining. But now, now they're starting to go the same route that "The Walking Dead: Season 2" did.
By that i mean they're starting to go off track. Now of course i dont mean that all games are terrible and dont deserve our attention. There are still plenty of games that are worth playing. Take "Child of Light" or "Mirrors Edge" Both of which brought creative and interesting ideas to the table. But games like "Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3" and "Assassins Creed Syndicate" just bore me to absolute tears with there repetitive nature. Its reasonable if one game is repetitive. Hell, "Mirrors Edge" got repetitive at some points as well. But the fact that there have been countless entries in the "COD" franchise but still they all feel the same is hilarious to me.
Its as if the companies are trying to convice us that each game is new and invigourating. Always trying to top there previous effort even though they already reached their pinnacle years ago. ("Call of Duty 4" "Assassins Creed 2") They keep on trying to capture what those games did so well but the problem is that what those games did so well, is that they surprised us with their never before seen gameplay elements (for the most part) The "Create a class" System in "Call of Duty 4" is a great example. Oh, and the fact that it was actually refreshing to see a FPS that didnt take place in WW2.
Im gonna end off on a high note however and think about the games of the future. Games in 2016 look almost to good to be true (hopefully not literally). I cant wait to get my hands on The Division and Mirrors Edge Catalyst. Just dont expect me to go and my the new "COD" because just like the series itself, it needs to take a break.